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Savannah River Site – Mission and budgetary support at the nuclear installation

去年秋天,我们发表了一篇关于a 新合同 这年代&K物流服务(SKLS)在萨凡纳河工地(SRS)获颁合约。, a nuclear installation in South Carolina that is managed by the Department of Energy (DOE). This article details SKLS’ work in direct support to the Office of Integration and Planning (OIP) which integrates across the multiple mission areas at this 300-square mile installation.

K冷却塔SRS内爆Government employees and contractors at SRS are part of a massive and successful endeavor to secure and stabilize materials from the cold-war nuclear era and to develop and demonstrate related technologies. Initially, that means management of the facilities and materials generated by the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Program, including spent nuclear fuel and fuel-cycle liquid waste. Along with that core mission is the everyday support to programs like security, 环境修复, and infrastructural maintenance of the Site’s active and deactivated facilities.

对于这种尺寸和年龄的安装来说,这是意料之中的, the infrastructure projects alone are an important part of operational continuity for this 60-year-old facility. SRS拥有自己的电力、蒸汽产生和分配系统 , 桥梁和道路网, 沟通, 计算机网络系统. The “general plant projects” needed to maintain Site infrastructure are extensive enough that they are proposed to become a separate program element in 2017.

SKLS高级职员, 以及它的合作伙伴Pro2Serve, support two core OIP missions at SRS; one for planning support with the Mission Planning Division, and a second to provide the technical expertise with the Project Management and Control Division (PMCD). Both help the OIP to perform its mission to integrate activities across the Site with an annual budget (FY16) of $1.30亿年.

misn_r-disassembly_SRSThe Mission Planning Division defines the logistical relationships between the programs and work elements, 并将这些信息汇编成工作计划和成本估算. 这些计划跨越5年, 10年, and life-cycle periods and range in focus from strategic plans that concentrate on the logistical and performance aspect, 更多以预算和预测为导向的计划. The most comprehensive of these planning products is the Integrated Life-Cycle Cost Estimate (ILCE) which shows the scope, 时间表, 并估计整个安装过程中的所有工作.

在资深规划人员的坚定领导下, 谢丽尔Davidowicz, SKLS staff have supported the ILCE product since 2011 and are looking at ways to optimize performance across the Site. In 2016, ILCE estimated that the cost of mission completion and asset retirement at SRS would be in excess of $70 billion running through 2065. 使用SKLS能够编译的数据, the mission Units at SRS have a better picture of their overall scope and budget, 观察运动部件如何影响其他运动部件. The resulting impact analysis will show how internal funding changes will effect operations.

The PMCD supports OIP in program implementation and oversight of execution of project work in the Site’s programs. They apply their expertise in program and project management to support project formulation, 任务验证, 分类(建设, 资本资产, 操作)和基线开发. Their combined knowledge of the technical and management components of the projects assures 这年代RS conforms with the extensive requirements of acquisition regulations and DOE’s project performance directives.

Most of the effort of PMCD support staff assures that the performance 报告 systems for the over $783 million in mission work performed annually at the Site is accurately reported. PMCD的支持人员(里奇·斯莫利), 山姆Budenstein, 加里•霍华德, and 大卫。摩尔) apply their combined technical and management knowledge to keep the work performance, 报告, 预算, 契约是一致的.

当然, 没有资金和驻地预算制定专家,这一切都无法实现, 布兰登·迈克布莱德. 布兰登一直致力于解决预算发展的假设, 预算请求开发, 往后推, 或重组. Brandon is the steady and nimble force that keeps the right money of the right Congressional budget classification flowing to the program needs. 事实上, because of his efforts in conjunction with the FY 2016 Omnibus and budgetary planning for FY 2017, SKLS小组获得了能源部客户的积极反馈, 网站管理人员, 以及南卡罗来纳州州长核咨询委员会.

SRS is the nation’s first National Environmental 研究 Park and has the most extensive ecological data base comparing natural set-aside areas to industrialized parcels in the world. 在某一天, activities could range from supporting a discussion on the options for disposition of the weapons-grade nuclear materials yielded from international arms reduction efforts to pausing on the road to allow a hen turkey and her chicks to cross – and that’s what makes it interesting!


图1:SRS的2型盐岩储罐. Photo 2: Iconic image of the K cooling tower being demolished by first imploding the structure. 图3:正在拆卸的R反应器. (图片由萨凡纳河网站提供.)

图4:SRS(从左至右)Tyson Ramsey的SKLS支持团队, 加里•霍华德, 大卫。摩尔, 安东尼·帕尔默, 山姆Budenstein, 富斯莫利, 布兰登·迈克布莱德, 谢丽尔·戴维德维茨.

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